Lab Personalities


Andrei Alexandrescu, PI, PhD




Project: resting on laurels & waiting for students to make me famous...


Richard Whitehead, III, Ph.D. student

Lab Publications

Project: Phages & IDPs


Antonio Rua, Ph.D. student

Lab Publications

Project: NMR spectroscopy 


Rilee Harris, undergraduate student

Lab Publications

Project: zinc fingers 

Lab Alumni:


Suman Jha, post-doc, Lab Pubs Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Rourkella 

Victor Jaravine, postdoc, Lab PubsLast news : Swedish NMR Center at Göteborg, Senior Research Scientist at Göthe University Germany

Francois Lamour, postdoc, Lab Pubs, Last news : Senior Clinical Scientist, Roche AG, Switzerland

Ronald Wiltscheck, postdoc, Lab Pubs, Last news : IDG Communications, Germany

Ex- PhD students (so far batting 8/8 in mentored/graduated)

Rebecca Newcomer, PhD, Lab Pubs, Lab Manager for Introductory Biology courses at UConn

Anne Kaplan, PhD, NSF-GRFP awardee, Lab Pubs, CRTA post-doc at the NCI/NIH; scientist at Aurobindo, currently Sartorius

Sharad Patil, PhD, Lab Pubs, ORISE post-doc at the Food and Drug Administration, Currently Research Scientist at Solvay.

Sarah Sheftic, PhD, NSF-GRFP awardee, Lab Pubs, post-doc Brown & U. Arizona; Clinical Science Specialist at Ventana, currently Roche

Robyn Croke, PhD, graduated, Lab Pubs Adjunct Professor, UConn-Waterbury

Christine Sallum , PhD, Lab Pubs, post-doc Northeastern University, Tufts, Boston University

Bill Matousek , PhD, Lab Pubs, post-doc Albert Einstein Med Schoolnow Scientist (running his own lab) at Regeneron

Sonja Dames, PhD, Lab Pub, postdocs @ Scripps & Biozentum, U-Basel; Faculty position Technical University of Münich, Managing Director of DFG Cluster of Excellence 'Universe', Managing Director of Cluster of Excellence 'Hausdorff Center for Mathematics'  


Ex- MS students

Richard Whitehead, M.S., Lab Pubsgraduated, Alexandrescu lab, MCB PhD program, UConn

Christina Harprecht, M.S., Lab Pubs, graduated, University of Tübingen PhD program

Latasha Fraser, M.S., Lab Pubs, graduated, RWJMS/Rutgers PhD program

Shihao Xu, M.S., Lab Pubs, graduated, University of Rochester PhD program

John Moffit, M.S.,Last news: joined Alder lab @UConn, now doing something else

Mani Seetharaman, M.S., graduated

David Martel, M.S., Lab Pubs, graduated


Ex- Undergraduates that worked in our lab (for > 1 semester)

Julia Mazur, Library Science

Nechelle Dias, B.S.

Helen Belato, B.S., Lab Pubs, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Bichemistry PhD program, Brown

Megan Brady, B.S., Lab Pubs, BBS PhD program, Yale

Jessica Snell, B.S., graduatedLab Pubs

Jonathan La Rochelle, B.S., Lab Pubs Schepartz lab, MCDB PhD program, Yale

Sarah Sheftic, B.S., Lab Pubs Alexandrescu lab, MCB PhD program, UConn

Andrew Mehta, B.S., graduated University Scholar, Lab PubsUNLV Med School

Emma Watson, B.S., Lab Pubs, Altus Pharma, Walhout lab, PhD program, Assistant Prof UMASS Med School

Lindsay Finch, B.S., graduated

Kaitlyn Guardino, B.S.,Lab Pubs Last news: graduated, St. George's University Med School

Robert Fournier, B.S., Lab Pubs, MS UConn Engineering, General Electric

Bob Slattery, B.S., Lab Pubsgraduated

Evelyn Irimies, B.S., Lab PubsYale, pediatric nursing

Karoline Kosiorowski, B.S., study abroad semester in Australia, graduated

Caitlin Looby, B.S., Microbial Ecology/Climate Change Research Associate, Costa Rica

Doug Snyder, B.S., Lab Pubs, grad school Mathematics?

Diane Seo, B.S., Lab Pubs, Last news: Founder & CEO, Collagen Bar


Ex- Technician

Klara Rathgeb-Szabo, technician, Lab Pubs, Last: Biozentum, U-Basel